________ Ghazwa was fought against the Syrian tribe.
________ Ghazwa was fought against the Syrian tribe.
A : Al-Ghaba
B : Al-Magrib
C : Al-Samarah
D : Al-Bazak
Right Answer : Al-Ghaba
________ Ghazwa was fought against the Syrian tribe.
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________ Ghazwa was fought against the Syrian tribe.
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Jobs Test Preparation covers Islamiat All Chapters include:
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- Pious Caliphate
- Salat [Prayer]
- Roza [Soam]
- The Beliefs of Islam
- First In Islam
- quran
- namaz
- Tauheed
- Shirk
- Life of Hazrat Muhammad
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- Hajj
- jahad
- The Battles of islam
- Islam and science
- Angles
- Prophethood
- kalimahs
- Holy Quran
- Zakat
- Petty Muslim Kingdom
- Meaning of islam
- The Ahadith
- Companions of Prophet
- Distinctions of sahaba
- wives of the Holy Prophet