Non Verbal Test Pak Army Question No 38
Non Verbal Test Pak Army Question No 38
- : A
- : B
- : C
- : D
- Corps of Engineers
- Corps of Signals
- Army Services Corps (ASC)
- Corps of Electrical
- Army Education Corps
- Aero Technician.
- Aero Trades.
- GC.
- Engineering Branch.
- Accounts Branch.
- General Duty Pilot.
- CAE Aeronautical Engineering Course.
- Air Defence Course.
- Logistic Course.
- Admin & Special Duties Course.
- In Army Non Verbal IQ mcqs, the items are expressed by materials, for instance, line drawings, patterns, wooden and plastic picture etc.
- At ISSB Intelligence Tests carry a lot of importance.Because Intelligence Tests will be on computer and at ISSB Intelligence Tests will be on paper. For Verbal ISSB Intelligence Mcqs Test you will solve 105 mix verbal (no pictures) in 30 minutes. In Non Verbal Intelligence Test (pictures) 70 questions in 30 minutes.
- These tests are usually arranged to remove the inconvenience of most of the candidates who are not fully familiar with the language. However, the Jujaheds or Soldiers in the Pakistan Army Forces have often to tackle such situations in their practices military life.
Right Answer : D
Non Verbal Test Pak Army and IQ test can be Simple, Pattern, Analogies, Series, Classification, Butler Pirie and Abstract Reasoning etc. It is Specially For Pakistan Air Force, Pak Army and equally important for Pak Navy With Answer Solution. Moreover it Covers All Types of Non Verbal Intelligence Test For ARMED FORCES. You can Prepare Both Personality Test and initial test For Pak Navy. Download Best Book For IQ and Intelligence Test Preparation.
Not Only you can Prepare Non Verbal Mcqs But Also Take Online Test of Different marks. For example, there are ten Simple Non Verbal Quiz of 50 Marks. you can attempt All ten quiz one by one and single quiz have 50 Marks and similarly other Online tests have. On the other hand, You can attempt again and again as you want.
[shortcode id=”14424″]Other Types of Non Verbal Reasoning Test :
Army Non Verbal Intelligence Mcqs :
Pak Army Non Verbal Mcqs are Equally beneficial For pak army Posts include Soldier, Captain, Doctor. Morever it used for Mechanical Engineers, Clerk, Civil Driver, Sweeper (Sanitary Worker), Cook and Fireman.
Useful for Army Corps Branch include:
Similarly non verbal mcqs are equally beneficial for Different course include:
Pakistan Military Academy Long Course (PMA) || Army Medical Cadet Course (AMC) || Technical Cadet Course (TCC) and Lady Cadet Course but also equally beneficial for
Commissioned Officer.
Armed Forces Nursing Services (AFNS).
Information Communication & Technology Officers (ICTO).
Short Service Regular Commission (SSRC) and Direct Short Service Commission.
Navy Non Verbal Intelligence Mcqs :
Non Verbal Mcqs for Navy are Equally Important for different posts of Civilian in Pakistan Navy like Assistant, LDC, UDC, Stenotypist, Phone Operator etc. Similarly they are useful because they increase our IQ level so we should solve these types of questions.
Pakistan Navy intelligence Test are Similarly equally important for Marine | Techinal And Female FMT and PN cadet.And for Different Branches like IT branch | Mechanical and Electrical brach etc.
Air force Non Verbal Intelligence Mcqs :
PAF Simple Non Verbal Mcqs are Equally beneficial For Various posts of Civilian Air Force including Assistant, Foreman, Lower and Upper Division Clerk. Similarly equally important for Shorthand typist, Charge Hand, Assistant Store Keeper.
PAF Non verbal online test are important for
PAF Nonverbal Intelligence MCQZ:
Finding something missing by making a conceptual pattern on a matrix style drawing.
Look at the shapes or patterns and understand the following.
3D viewing or working with images / screen indicators.
Working cube nets or any other shape that will look like folded.
In fact Some employers use paper tests and others prefer online forms.
Often there are more questions than most people can complete in a given time After that the tests are about checking a person’s accuracy and speed.